Nik would of course love to help every student on a one-to-one basis however, unfortunately, the realities of coaching are such that face-to-face coaching sessions typically last on average 2 hours per session. An effective coaching journey usually takes a minimum of 12 sessions. With the course having many clients it is unfortunately not practical for Nik to be available to deal with individual queries.
Coaching requires the coach to get to know the client and their personal story in an in-depth way before any coaching work can be started. Nik is however available for private coaching sessions, preferably face-to-face, or over a Skype call. Sessions start at £6,000 + VAT for 12 Skype call sessions, alternatively, the client can come to Nik’s offices for face-to-face coaching. Nik’s standard hourly rate for coaching is £250 + VAT (£300). P.O.A. for face-to-face sessions where Nik has to travel to visit the client.